Llinks exchange program
Welcome to our Link Exchange Programme
I'm sure you are aware a Link exchange with other web sites carries advantages for both partners. It not only helps visitors who are directly forwarded by the link, but also search engine ranking status is improved. We are always on the lookout for partners with good web sites dealing with Italian language and culture and education for Link exchange opportunities.
If you are interested, please complete the following form for a free Link exchange.A couple of rules for exchanging links with us.
We only link to web sites which, in our opinion, have subject content relate to www.iluss.it
The page linking to our site must have a Google page rank of at least "PR 2". You can check the page rank of your link page here: www.database-search.com/sys/pre-check-en.php
We only accept page links that are accessible with a visible web site navigation and can be read by search engine spiders.
We do not link to web sites that contain illegal, racist or pornographic content.
We do not link to web sites that do not have original content or those that only contain link lists (link farms).
The page that is linked to us may not have more that 50 external links.
Understandably, we regularly check our existing links. If the link on your page to our site is no longer active, the link to your web site will be automatically deleted.
If your web site fulfills these criteria, we will place your link on our link page (with a current page rank of PR4) within the next 10 days and will send you a confirmation e-mail. Please place your link to our web site, before you send the following form. We would appreciate it if you used one of the following link texts for the link to our web site.
We would appreciate it if you use the following link text for the link to our web site.
Link text
ILUSS - Italian Online for students and teachers of Italian, is designed as a preparatory course, for individual studies, to integrate existing courses and maintaining Italian language skills.
<!-- ILUSS - Italian Online 01 start --><a href="http://www.iluss.it" title="ILUSS - Italian Online">ILUSS - Italian Online</a> - For students and teachers of Italian, is designed as a preparatory course, for individual studies, to integrate existing courses and maintaining Italian language skills.<!-- Link code end -->
ILUSS - Italiano Online per studenti e insegnati di italiano, è progettato come corso preparatorio, per lo studio individuale, per integrare corsi, per migliorare e mantenere il livello del suo italiano.
<!-- ILUSS - Italiano Online 01 start --><a href="http://www.iluss.it" title="ILUSS - Italiano Online">ILUSS - Italian Online</a> - Per studenti e insegnati di italiano, è progettato come corso preparatorio, per lo studio individuale, per integrare corsi, per migliorare e mantenere il livello del suo italiano.<!-- Link code end -->
Your Link Exchange Request
Form for a Free Link Exchange