Learn Italian online

Marco B.
Detailed language tuition profile

Name: Marco B.
Age: 28
Native language: Italian
Locatio: Florence
Time zone: Italy
Price:   from € 18 to € 22 depending on the number of lessons
Rating: 100% positive

Detailed profile
About me
Hi everybody!
My name is Marco, I'm a native Italian man from a nice place near Florence. I've studied for many years of my life, and now I'm a real humanist: as well as a teacher, I'm also a journalist and an editor, I like reading and writing a lot, and in my free time I sing in a rockband. I really love everything I do and I do it always at my best. So, whatever you'd like to do with your Italian:
- going on holiday
- making new friends
- speaking to your customers
- reading Italian literature
- passing exams
I'll be very happy to support you and be your live online tutor.
Qualifications & Experience
I have Master degree in Modern Languages and Italian Language and Literature from Pisa University. Although it seems I'm quite young, I teach Italian to non-speakers since more than 5 years, to people all over the world, from kids to adults of every age, both at school as at home.
Teaching Approach
I teach both Modern standard colloquial Italian and literary Italian, for the ones that wish to learn reading ancient Italian authors.
I always try to improve my students' abilities in speaking, reading, listening, writing, in all the ways possible, also using non-conventional methods, as such as games, songs and much more. However, I think that talking each other and share as much as possible remain the best ways to learn a language at its best.

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